- Compatible for all resolutions!! - Scrollable home page - Animated real contacts on homepage - Animated pictures tile with differents thumbs from selected folder - Animated Me tile - You can choose your own photo for the animation - Animated contacts name for People page - People page - Games page - Music Page - Pictures page - You can choose a xbox live Avatar - Six colors for the tiles(Blue,Orange,Red,Green,DarkBlue,Yellow) - You can use original wm taskbar - Original Windows Phone 7 footer - Battery indicator(Thxs to HDOwner for the graphics) - Little clock - You can add your favorites apps on home page
* New bing page * Added wifi, bluetooth indicator and operator name on taskbar * Improved notifications(Now they are centered) * Fixed some problems with qvga and wqvga devices. * Improved code (Great speed performance)
* Rewrote theme to make easier the way to include custom Hubs (Tutorial soon) * Implemented Segoe Light fonts(Copy Segoe Light.ttf to "/Windows/Fonts/") * Added "Calendar" Hub * Added a simple "Weather" Hub with GoogleWeather * Added "Favorite Contact" Hub * Added "Settings shortcut to the programs page * Added search function for the magnifying key * Added "Music page" with support for Nitrogen 1.1 and S2P,Now you can see the cover on "Music" Hub (Thanks to Ryomahino) * Added "Pictures page" (Thanks to APBilbo) * On "Games page", changed the Xbox games cover.(Thanks to lesscro) * Fixed problem with the battery indicator. * Cleaned all code
1) Вам понадобится программа ThrottleLauncher 1.1.10 (Есть в архиве) или выше, скачайте и поставьте ее. 2.) Папку WindowsPhone7 скопируйте в \Program Files\ThrottleLauncher\Setups\ 3.) Зайдите в Пуск и запустите ThrottleConfig. Выберите в Темах Windows7. 4.) Зайдите в Пуск и запустите Throttle Launcher