- Scrollable home page - Animated real contacts on homepage - Animated pictures tile with differents thumbs from selected folder - Animated Me tile - You can choose your own photo for the animation - Animated contacts name for People page - People page - Games page - You can choose a xbox live Avatar - Six colors for the tiles(Blue,Orange,Red,Green,DarkBlue,Yellow) - You can use original wm taskbar - Original Windows Phone 7 footer - Battery indicator(Thxs to HDOwner for the graphics) - Little clock - You can add your favorites apps on home page __________________________________________________ ___________________
HOW TO INSTALL __________________________________________________ ___________________
1) You will need ThrottleLauncher 1.0.1, download and install that 2.) Download the ZIP file given below and move the extracted WindowsPhone7 directory on your phone to \Program Files\ThrottleLauncher\Setups\ 3.) Go to Start menu and start ThrottleConfig. Select Windows7 in Themes. 4.) Go to Start menu and start Throttle Launcher Thanks to extrapurifier for write the install guide